Workshop Your Upcoming Case – Brainstorming Frames, Themes, Visuals & Voir Dire Questions

A small group will have the chance to work with BIbi on one of your own cases to:

  • Brainstorm the case with the group and come up with ideas for frames
  • Come up with ideas for powerful visuals
  • Work on voir dire questions to get to the issues that scare you most
  • Find the Winning Story in Your Case

Participants who sign up for this workshop should do the following:

  • One week (7 days) before the seminar, send a short (less than one page) summary of the case facts along with any visuals or demonstrative evidence
  • Be prepared to give a 3 minute oral summary of the case (you will be cut off at 3 minutes), including what you think are your best and worst facts
  • Be willing to help brainstorm the cases of the others in the group

TLU Live HB Agenda

Party Sponsor


Barbie Pink & White Party

Hosted by

Smart AdvocateTork Law