TLU Huntington Beach is a combination of four lecture tracks and seven breakout rooms for small group skills training workshops. These workshops are on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 9:00am to 5:30pm.
TICKETS: The standard admission ticket includes access to the four lecture tracks, breakfast, lunch, and nightly after parties.
RECORDINGS: If you choose to do a workshop you will miss the opportunity to attend lectures on that day. All of the lecture tracks are being recorded and will be available on site and on the TLU app. All participants will be given complimentary access to TLUonDemand for 30 days following the event to catch anything you may have missed.
HOTEL: A link to the room block is in the confirmation email that is sent after registering. The room block price is $379 per night.
Please call Dan Ambrose on his cell (248) 808-3130 if you have any questions
Trial Lawyers University
Panish | Shea | Boyle | Ravipudi LLP
“Trial Lawyers University is revolutionizing educating lawyers to be better Trial Lawyers“ — Brian Panish
TLU Skills Training bootcamps focus on the science and technique of human connection in the context of a small group a.k.a. the jury. For the past nine years, I’ve made it my mission to break down this complex skill and translate it into a curriculum that can make anyone a master of connection …..if they are willing to put in the work.
To master any complex skill, whether it’s golf, tennis, or human connection, it must be broken down to its micro skills. These micro skills must be identified, isolated, and practiced. The micro skills of connection are eye contact, voice control, emotional control, hand/body movement, glance control, word selection, listening, and creating space. These skills are practiced, recorded, and coached in the context of voir dire, opening statement, and cross-examination. We conduct six weekly Zoom meet ups to prepare.
If you have any questions my cell is (248) 808-3130 Dan Ambrose, Founder of Trial Lawyers University
Get TLU Trial Skills Bootcamps Get TrainedBreakfast
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Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byBreakfast
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byLunch
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Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byBreakfast
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byLunch
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Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byBreakfast
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byLunch
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Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted by5:30pm-8:30pm