Przemek	Lubecki

The Mental Game for Trial - Performing Under Pressure

Trial work requires (1) performance (2) on demand, and (3) under pressure, yet most of us know little about the performance cycle and how to hack it to our advantage to improve our game and win consistently. We examine what separates the top performers across high-pressure disciplines and how to apply those lessons to your trial practice to develop a framework for your top performance at trial.

  • The 3 spheres of performance;
  • What to focus on and when;
  • Why working hard is not enough;
  • Strategies for real improvement;
  • How to use pressure to elevate rather than hinder your trial performance;
  • How to increase confidence in your trial skills.

TLU Live HB Agenda

Party Sponsor


Barbie Pink & White Party

Hosted by

Smart AdvocateTork Law