In a clash of the titans, two kings of their craft, the Fresh Prince of Bel Air Dan Kramer and the Lancaster Slumdog Millionaire Khail Parris will go head to head in a debate on the toughest questions trial attorneys face. They will battle it out on the best strategies for preparing any case for trial and presenting issues to a jury. These two titans will debate:
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byLunch
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Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byBreakfast
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byLunch
Sponsored byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byBreakfast
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byLunch
Sponsored byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byBreakfast
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byLunch
Sponsored byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted by5:30pm-8:30pm
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