Building Your Billion Dollar Empire

1. Knowing & Building Your Brand

  • In this session, you’ll learn:
  • Why your branding matters so much
  • How to identify your unique brand
  • How to unify your brand, firm name, slogan, and marketing
  • Acquiring a powerful and effective domain name
  • Getting an easy and memorable phone number

2. Assembling a Trusted Staff

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to define your core values/principles for employees
  • Effective recruitment venues and methods
  • How to use marketing for better recruitment
  • How to incentivize retaining employees

3. Building an Effective Intake Process

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • What to look for in intake team members
  • Constructing your script/questions list
  • Effective client information gathering
  • Forming your follow-up system
  • How to create accountability

4. Making the Most of Your CRM

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to keep detailed and updated client information
  • Tracking your clients’ journeys
  • Automating standard communication
  • Using your CRM to build an ideal client experience

5. The Power of Automation and Designation

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Programs that automate daily tasks
  • Building metrics for task designation
  • Incorporating virtual assistants into your firm
  • How to simplify and streamline training time

6.Everything is a Story: Why Storytelling is the Most Important Legal Skill

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • The psychology behind storytelling’s effectiveness with clients
  • How to construct your winning narrative
  • How to find the right “roles” for your case
  • A real-time implementation using storytelling to secure a client

7. Getting Million-Dollar Cases from Grassroots Marketing

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • The secrets behind finding high-dollar cases with little spending
  • How to leverage local connections
  • Building referral opportunities with previous clients
  • Gifting and social media to drive Top of Mind Awareness

8. Social Media 101

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to create a consistent multi-platform social media presence
  • Hacks and tips for never-ending content ideas
  • What platforms perform well and what content to make for each
  • Advance posting and content calendars for planning ahead

9. Building Referral Networks and Finding Strategic Partners

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to build referral networks to keep cases flowing into your firm
  • Leveraging previous clients and contacts
  • Brainstorming other businesses to connect with
  • Making and keeping referral connections for long-term partnership

10. The Simple Math of Law Firm Budgeting

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Whether to rent or own your office space, and why
  • If you should use VAs or hire in-office people for your staffing
  • The pros and cons of forming pods for attorneys
  • What your advertising budget should be

11. Introduction to Inventory Management

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to reduce the time it takes to move pre-lit and lit cases
  • Technologies you can put in place to streamline your case management system
  • How to know when to file suit and when not to for your personal injury cases
  • Implementing effective employee management and tracking

12. Leveraging Brand Opportunities: Social Media and Local Media

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to brand specifically for social media
  • How to turn followers into potential clients
  • How to use local media for free promotion
  • How to help your community and raise your firm’s profile at the same time

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Barbie Pink & White Party

Hosted by

Smart AdvocateTork Law