Workers Comp Crossover Cases: How to spot them, overcome Privette, and eliminate liens in your PI case

Keith More, with over 30 years of experience handling catastrophic workers’ compensation and personal injury matters, will walk you through a recent work comp crossover case and share how to effectively identify crossover cases and work them up, including:

  • Reducing or eliminating work comp liens;
  • Overcoming Privette and the inevitable MSJ in your crossover case;
  • Working with the work comp attorney; and
  • Handling credit rights.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to pick Keith’s brain. All participants are welcome to bring a potential or current crossover case or work comp case file to round table with Keith More, who will walk you through issues unique to your case.

TLU Live HB Agenda

Party Sponsor


Barbie Pink & White Party

Hosted by

Smart AdvocateTork Law