Becoming a Master Trial Lawyer

In this participatory 2-hour session, you will go beyond your limits and discover your potential as a Trial Lawyer.

  • Speaking Like A Person, Not A Lawyer
  • The Power of Inflection
  • Persuasive Storytelling
  • Bonding Jury To Your Point of View
  • Beyond Eye Contact: The Jury is your partner
  • Guiding the Jurors’ Emotions
  • Making Your Quote The Jurors’ Quote
  • The Structure and The Rhetoric of Argument
  • Controlling Witness/Attorney and Witness/Juror Relationships
  • The Use of Open-Ended Questions
  • Restraint VS Going In For The Kill

TLU Live HB Agenda

Party Sponsor


Barbie Pink & White Party

Hosted by

Smart AdvocateTork Law