Chris Dolan

Shining The Light On Voir Dire - From Fundamentals To Fruition Workshop

Participants will personally engage in employing the techniques they have been exposed to with a “jury of their peers,” other lawyers in the cohort. Real-time feedback will be provided along with evaluative encouragement. A prerequisite for breakout participants is attendance at the lecture.

For the breakout participants, there will be a pre-conference Zoom meeting with Chris to identify participants’ goals and objectives, experience level, and to “set the stage” for the experience. Members of this cohort will fill out a “juror questionnaire” prior to the program. The participants will experience “both sides” of the voir dire process, in the capacity both as counsel and juror, to gain unique and invaluable insight.

Lawyers of all levels of experience are encouraged to attend and participate in the breakout session. Those with no experience find the experience unlike any other and walk out with knowledge of their skills, appreciation of their strengths, and a clear understanding of areas in which they need further development. Experienced lawyers will also benefit from exposure to a different, or complimentary, set of tools and techniques and can provide benefit to the cohort through their own wealth of experience.

TLU Live HB Agenda

Party Sponsor


Barbie Pink & White Party

Hosted by

Smart AdvocateTork Law