Understanding and Influencing the 84 Jurors

How to Win Friends and Influence Jurors: The Art of Neuro Strategies Communication in the Courtroom

In this session, you will learn how to recognize, understand, and most importantly, influence the seven thinking systems that are present in every human being. Whether in your client, your witnesses, the jury, the judge, your own team, and even in yourself, you will quickly build a much deeper level of impact when you can understand the micro thinking systems that govern how we all interface with the outside world.

We will cover descriptions of the key characteristics of each of the systems, when and how they are activated, and how they impact behavior.

These skillsets are particularly useful in not just identifying which thinking systems would be most valuable to your client’s position, but how to identify and effectively intercept communications from opposing counsel to these same thinking systems.

This will augment your existing strategy for jury selection by increasing the granularity of how to analyze prospective jurors and their thinking systems to create your most persuasive case.

This will be a highly-interactive session where it will culminate in scenarios for selecting jurors based on thinking systems.

This method of evaluation is based on the Neuro Strategies Framework and built upon the Gravesian model of the adult biopsychosocial system of human development. You will also see how this served as a Rosetta stone in helping breakdown incidents such as mass-casualty events.

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Barbie Pink & White Party

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Smart AdvocateTork Law