Science of Persuasion

The 8-Phase Client Journey: A Roadmap to Success

Understanding where your client is, meeting them where they are, and pacing them through the journey of the case – is critical.Failing to gain or losing traction where your client “is” leads to frustration for both litigators and clients.

All plaintiffs, defendants, and jurors operate along certain states along a continuum. Quickly where they are, where they need to be, and use the right communication strategy for each milestone.What works in one phase can be detrimental in another.

We will provide an overview of the Neuro Strategies Framework Model as is relates to having the most influential message/approach for each location along the framework.

8-Milestone of the Client Journey

  1. Stable Phase – Their “normal & ordinary” in life.
  2. Significant Event – An event that disrupts the normal.
  3. Pain Phase – Where the deviation from normal causes physical/emotional/financial pain.
  4. Revolt Event – The pivotal point of revolting from the pain.
  5. Change Phase – The changes that need to happen in the case, your client, your evidence, etc. that reverses course.
  6. Return to Stability – Where most clients and litigators “settle” and even self-sabotage unnecessarily. Not confusing the lack of pain with success.
  7. Growth Beyond Stability Phase – leveraging the previous phases and evidence to achieve a better position.
  8. Achieving the Desired State & Verdict – Where the client not only attains the desired verdict, but also will serve as their “north-star” during the journey; keeping them from getting stuck in the drama, old stories, disempowering identity, etc.

Useful with clients:

  1. Useful when determining whether to take on a client’s case. How to gauge the resilience and commitment of a client - before they “punish you”.
  2. Ability to anticipate and solve potential problems BEFORE they happen.
  3. How to best communicate with your client to increase the likelihood of a favorable verdict while minimizing the “brain damage” of a scattered client.
  4. How to help prepare your client for the journey ahead and garner their support so that they will help support the plan that they’ve helped create.

You will learn and reinforce the techniques of:

  1. Your client’s “identity” – not just in their mind, but in the jury’s and its impact on direct and cross examination
  2. Linguistic presuppositions to influence the jury's decision-making by owning part of their thought process
  3. Anticipating and preventing self-sabotage by your client
  4. Helping your client prepare for the journey ahead and garnering their support

These tools have been taught to federal judges and lawyers world-wide for over 20 years with amazing results and feedback.

Please note: this is a highly interactive session so when you plan to attend, please be prepared to bring your A-game and PLENTY of paper for notes.

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